The Integration and Learning Division has hosted many Reflective Sessions for teams across the organization in recent weeks.
The purpose of these sessions is to build in time to reflect on what worked well on projects, as well as to identify areas of improvement for the future. Ultimately, these sessions empower team members to learn from their past projects so they can continue using effective strategies and adopt new ones in areas where indicated!
After a reflective session, the Integration and Learning Division staff provides session participants with a document which synthesizes and summarizes their achievements and areas for improvement specific to their work, which they can apply moving forward in their own departments.
The Early Care and Education Department participated in a session about their Child Care Needs Assessment Report and Event which yielded learnings that are so widely applicable to the entire organization, we couldn’t help but share!
Below, we’ve outlined the Top 4 Tips that emerged from the session specifically as they related to collaborating internally and externally.
Top 4 Tips for Collaborating
1. Keep time on your side
Continually review and update timeline with internal and external partners and involve collaborators early on!
2. Set your expectations…and stick to them!
Set explicit expectations and provide clear guidelines! Clarify how partners will consider feedback!
3. Divide up the work
Communicate how each department will contribute. Avoid having one single person playing too many different roles!
4. Consider Capacity
Verify assumptions about First 5 LA staff and committee members’ capacities! Identify if capacity building is necessary and decide on a strategy.
It is our goal that learnings which emerge from our analyses can be used and incorporated organization wide! Comment below with which tip you found most interesting, and which tip you think will be most useful to your own work!