Parents POV: Reading to your Child

Champion for Children Jennifer Pippard: It’s All about Relationships
Imagine as a child having the freedom to bring up any topic for discussion as desired during family meals? For Jennifer Pippard, it was a wonderful way to grow up. “We often laugh now that the food may have not been so tasty — as there were no real cooks in our family...

Commission Meeting Summary for March 8
These Commission Summaries are intended to provide highlights of the First 5 LA Board of Commissioners’ actions to advance the outcome areas of First 5 LA’s 2015–2020 Strategic Plan. Highlights from the March 8 Commission meeting include approval of the agency’s Long...

What happened to you? Changing How We Address the Impacts of Childhood Trauma
By Pegah Faed, DrPH, MPH Senior Program Officer, Health Systems First 5 LA What is the impact of one stable and nurturing relationship? The children of SaintA and the families of Nia Imani Family Center in Milwaukee will tell you it can change the trajectory of a...

Throwing Knowledge at Problems First, Then Funding
By Daniela Pineda, Vice President, Integration & Learning, First 5 LA Sometimes all you need is a hug one hundred million dollars. That’s the premise behind 100&Change, the MacArthur Foundation’s $100 million grant competition to fund a single proposal designed to...

Early Childhood Matters – Issue #24

Commission Summary for February 8, 2018
These Commission Summaries are intended to provide highlights of the First 5 LA Board of Commissioners’ actions to advance the outcome areas of First 5 LA’s 2015–2020 Strategic Plan. Highlights from the February 8 Commission meeting include an announcement of the...

Parents’ Point of View: Flu Season