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Off to a Good Start
Oh, what a difference a year makes. In January 2017, Yanci Panameno was “saddened” when Governor Jerry Brown released his budget proposal for the 2017–18 fiscal year, which would have suspended funding for nearly 3,000 new preschool slots in the state. At the time,...
First 5 LA Applauds Governor Brown For Prioritizing California’s Youngest Children and Families in Proposed Budget
LOS ANGELES – Governor Jerry Brown’s proposed budget for FY 2018-19 takes a significant step forward in prioritizing children from birth to age 5. In this third and final year of promised multi-year funding, Governor Brown fulfills his commitment to expand access and...

Kim Belshé, Champion for Children: “A Matter of Fairness”
Editor’s Note: With proposals emerging from Washington, D.C. threatening First 5 LA’s mission, values and goals that put child opportunity and well-being at the center, First 5 LA’s new strategic direction and role as an advocate for policy and systems change are more...

In Uncertain Times, Stay True to Your Mission
By Kim Belshé, Executive Director, First 5 LA Fear and uncertainty are not new to many families in Los Angeles. For some, there’s the constant uncertainty that comes from living paycheck to paycheck. For others it’s the fear of losing a job, or having an unexpected...

Early Childhood Matters – Issue #22

4 Kids and a Question: 2017 Bloopers

2017 Happy Endings
A third generation teen mom trying to break the cycle for her children. A low-income family facing a 1,337 percent increase in their child care costs. A Russian family with a newborn about to pitch a tent for shelter. From struggle to success, these stories from the...

Champion for Children Katie Fallin Kenyon: Putting a Positive Spin on ECE
Who Is Katie Fallin Kenyon, Ph.D.? Looking back at her childhood, two simple pastimes stand out the most for Katie Fallin Kenyon: fond memories of playing outside until dark, and the countless hours she spent taking care of her “baby” doll. These positive and healthy...