Reducing Early Childhood Obesity (RECO) Presentation
The Integration and Learning Division hosted a presentation by Abt Associates, an evaluation firm, to share preliminary findings from First 5 LA's investments in Reducing Early Childhood Obesity (RECO).Purpose:The purpose of the RECO Reach Study was to identify the...

4 Kids and a Question: Summertime Activities

Parents’ Point of View: Advice to New Parents

June #First5Live Summary
First 5 LA brought a fun and interactive Talk, Read, Sing Story Time to the Manhattan Beach Library on June 13, 2017 as an extension of its ongoing “Talking is Teaching: Talk, Read, Sing” campaign in partnership with Too Small To Fail. The event, which was...

What We’re Doing – Accessing D.C. Lawmakers, Fatherhood Solutions & More
Gaining ACCESS in the Nation’s Capital First 5 LA’s policy and strategy team members joined with statewide First 5 leaders for the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce's annual excursion to Washington, D.C. from May 21-24 to meet with lawmakers and policy leaders to...

Commissioners’ Corner – New Board Members Express Their Priorities
Within the first six months of the year, First 5 LA has welcomed more than half a dozen new Commissioners and alternates to its Board. In this and upcoming issues of the Early Childhood Matters newsletter, we present a brief Q &A session with these new members about...

Commission Summary for June 8, 2017
These Commission Summaries are intended to provide highlights of the First 5 LA Board of Commissioners’ actions to advance the outcome areas of First 5 LA’s 2015-2020 Strategic Plan. At the June 8 Commission meeting, highlights include approval of the agency’s fiscal...

Parent Success Stories
As we shift from the rebirth of spring to the full blooms of summer, we bring you a few stories of births from new moms and dads throughout Los Angeles County who have delivered healthy babies and blossomed with new parenting skills, thanks in part to First 5 LA’s...
Legislature Makes Important Strides for Young Children and Sends State Budget to Governor for Signature
Download this press release as a PDF»Budget Updates Child Care Eligibility and Funding, Building Foundation for Necessary Investments Ahead LOS ANGELES – The $126 billion state budget proposal sent to Governor Jerry Brown is a critical step forward in addressing the...