Below are links to the Panorama City & Neighbors Bylaws to be approved by the community partnership by October 25, 2016.PCN Bylaws - EnglishPCN Bylaws - Spanish
Early Childhood Matters – Issue #9

A Change for the Better: Learning and Leading at First 5 LA
As a boy growing up in Bakersfield, California, Armando Jimenez often spent time at his family’s small Mexican restaurant. It was there that he would find his 50-something-year-old Uncle Eddie, sitting on a barstool with his glasses on, perusing the pages of the New...

Champions for Children – Christina Altmayer
Peer Pressure. Pop Quizzes. Pimples. Yes, 8th grade can be a challenging time for a teenager. Christina Altmayer faced all these tests growing up on New York’s Long Island. And then, tragically, another challenge literally landed on her doorstep. “My mom’s sister died...

September Commission Meeting Summary
These Commission Summaries are intended to provide highlights of the First 5 LA Board of Commissioners’ actions to advance the outcome areas of First 5 LA’s 2015-2020 Strategic Plan. At the September 8 Commission meeting, highlights include a thank you to former First...

4 People and a Point to Ponder – “How Did the Arts Shape Your Childhood?”
First 5 LA’s vision is a future where every child prenatal to age 5 in Los Angeles County grows up healthy, protected and ready to succeed in school. Each month, we will ask people who work with, care for, or advocate on behalf of young children and their families in...
Early Childhood Matters – Issue #8

4 People and a Point to Ponder – What law would you make for parents to follow?
First 5 LA’s vision is a future where every child prenatal to age 5 in Los Angeles County grows up healthy, protected and ready to succeed in school. Each month, we ask people who work with, care for, or advocate on behalf of young children and their families in L.A....

State Legislative Update: Will Gov. Brown Sign These Bills?
As Chaucer said, “Time and tide wait for no man.” Even if you’re the governor of California. Gov. Jerry Brown has until September 30 to sign or veto bills sent to him by the state legislature. This date marks the end of a two-year legislative session which reflects a...

First 5 LA Shares Expertise on Home Visiting, Family Leave
From statewide gatherings in Sacramento to local neighborhood talks in Eagle Rock, First 5 LA leaders spent the month of August sharing their expertise and learning from others about key issues affecting young children and their families. In Sacramento, First 5 LA...