Edith Sanchez was concerned. Officials...

Edith Sanchez was concerned. Officials...
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Teachers and States The Washington Post: Polls: 20 percent of teachers not likely to return to classrooms if schools reopen this fall Twenty percent of U.S. teachers say they are not likely to return to their classrooms this fall if schools reopen — and most parents...
July 30, 2020 As the...
The Board of Commissioners meets on the second Thursday of each month at 1:30 p.m., unless otherwise indicated. All meetings are open to the public, and agendas are posted on our website at least 72 hours in advance. Please check our Commission Calendar for all...
Published June 29, 2020...
How do you sum up the work of the...
ALAMEDA, CA (June 15, 2020) - Child care and other programs that support families must be prioritized in the final 2020-21 state budget, which now awaits Governor Newsom's action, said First 5 Association, First 5 California, and...
Posting Date: June 5, 2020 Update: Information Session will take place via Zoom platform. Applicants who registered before June 15, 2020 must re-register using the link below in order to attend the session. DESCRIPTION: First 5 LA is seeking the services of a...
June 2, 2020 Inequities have consequences. The deaths of...