Over the past year, several news outlets and think-tanks have reported on the benefits and status of home visiting programs both inside and out of the United States. The bulk of the reporting centered on the funding reauthorization for the federal Maternal, Infant,...
A Capitol Day for Early Childhood Advocacy
On a recent flight from Los Angeles to Sacramento, First 5 LA Commissioner Yvette Martinez spoke with a fourth grade teacher about the lack of early developmental screenings for young children, which includes diagnosing autism. With less than 30 percent of young...
Legislative Update: Changing the Rules to Make Things Work Better for Children
By Peter Barth, First 5 LA Director of Public Policy and Government Affairs In a recent Board meeting, First 5 LA Commissioner Judy Abdo described systems change as “making things work better” and one of the ways to make things work better is to change the rules —...
Legislative Agenda
SB 982 https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180SB982Senator Holly MitchellThis bill would change the sums from which the family’s income is to be deducted to determine the amount of cash aid paid each month, and would prohibit the...
First 5 LA Invests In Key Early Care and Education Policy and Advocacy Partnerships
Download this press release »Five-Year, $15 Million Investment Will Strengthen Existing Policy and Advocacy Efforts to Expand and Improve Early Learning Opportunities for L.A. County’s ChildrenLOS ANGELES – Expanding its leadership in advocacy efforts for young...