Design-Build Services for the First 5 LA Capital Improvement Project – Phase 1

Request For Proposal (RFP)

POSTING DATE: April 2, 2021

RESPONSE DUE DATE: 5:00 PM PT on April 30, 2021

MANDATORY JOB WALKApril 8 and April 9, 2021 (Appointment Slots will be e-mailed on April 5, 2021, by First 5 LA to Offerors).


First 5 LA has selected five Offerors from the firms that submitted Statement of Qualifications (SOQs) for the Project described below to submit Proposals pursuant to this REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (“RFP”).  Only “Shortlisted” firms are eligible to submit proposals for this portion of the solicitation.


The Capital Improvement Project (CIP)

First 5 LA’s approach to the Project is to strengthen First 5 LA’s ability to effectively execute its 2020-2028 Strategic Plan. First 5 LA took steps to align its internal structure with its mission and strategy. Since the adoption of the CIP by the First 5 LA’s Board of Commissioners on July 12, 2018, the conceptual interior design has been updated to factor in the COVID – 19 impacts. This has been a collaborative effort between First 5 LA, Klawiter, MARRS, and IMEG with MARRS and IMEG providing a review of the interior design updates prepared by Klawiter.

The renovation work will be required to meet all parts of the current Title 24 California Building Code and other relevant planning, building, and environmental codes and regulations as enforced by the City of Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS) and all other regulatory agencies with jurisdiction over this Project. This is a prevailing wage project (see Article 11 in the Contract).

See Attachment A – Owner’s Program (Scope of Work) for the Owner’s Program (Scope of Work) for “Phase 1”.  The Scope of Work includes design criteria, basis of design, design development plans along with prescriptive specifications sometimes referred to herein as the Bridging Documents. This RFP – Phase 1, is PART 2 in the two-part procurement process for the Project. It incorporates the terms, definitions, and schedules set forth in the Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) released on January 25, 2021, and any Addenda issued thereto; however, to the extent that the RFP conflicts with the RFQ and any Addenda thereto, the RFP shall prevail and shall be considered an addendum to previously published information.  Offerors must submit their Proposals pursuant to the schedule set forth in this RFP.  This RFP is not an offer to enter into a contract but is merely a solicitation of entities interested in submitting a Proposal to the Owner for the Project.

RFP Documents

First 5 LA Design-Build RFP

UPDATED RFP Revised 04192021

First 5 LA Design-Build RFP Updated 04212021

All attachments included in RFP unless a link is provided below.


For Informative Purposes

Attachment A:                 Owner’s Program (Scope of Work)

Attachment B:                 Proposed Agreement

Attachment C:                 General Conditions

Attachment D:                 Bridging Documents

                                          – Project Specifications

                                          –20210323 FIRST 5 LA 100% DD BOD

                                          –Capital Improvement 100% DD DWGs


Attachment E:                 Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions–LAUS West Campus (CC&Rs)

Attachment F:                  Evaluation Criteria

For Submission

  • Cover Letter
  • Technical Proposal (See Attachment F – Evaluation Criteria for guidelines)
  • Attachment G – Price Proposal Form – Template provided


To ensure that all potential applicants receive the same information, questions and answers will be compiled and posted on this webpage. All questions regarding this RFP must be received before 5 p.m. PT on April 12, 2021, and answers will be posted on the website on  April 20, 2021 (amended by Addendum).

First 5 LA reserves the sole right to determine the timing and content of the responses to all questions and requests for additional information.  First 5 LA may respond to individual inquires and then post replies to all questions by the posting date.


DB RFP Questions And Answers 04202021


Proposal documents must be received by First 5 LA no later than 5:00 PM PT on April 30, 2021. Please review the RFP’s Timeline for Selection Process to ensure availability during the proposal review activities.


To respond to this RFP, please submit all required documents through the online application system designated by First 5 LA by no later than 5:00 PM PT on April 30, 2021, by taking the following steps:

Step 1: Create a user account by clicking here.

Step 2: Once a user account has been created, click on the following link for the appropriate application:

Click here to access the application for the Design-Build RFP

Step 3: Once an application has been started, click here to modify and/or submit your submission. Please do not create a new application once you have started your submission.

For help with the online application click here.

Applicants must submit all required documents specified in the RFP through this online form. It is highly recommended that you print a copy of your application for your records prior to clicking “Submit.” To do this, click “Printer-Friendly Version.” You should review the printed copy prior to submitting the application electronically. In addition, you should ensure that the attachments were successfully uploaded by reviewing the list of attachments included.

NOTE: Once the online application is submitted, proposers cannot make edits.





Please check this Funding Center webpage regularly for updates and addenda. First 5 LA has the right to amend this solicitation by written addendum. First 5 LA is responsible only for that which is expressly stated in the solicitation document and any authorized written addenda thereto. Such addenda shall be made available via the online funding center. Failure to address the requirements of such addendum may result in the proposal not being considered, at the sole discretion of First 5 LA. Addenda to this solicitation, if any, will be posted on this webpage. It is the responsibility of Proposer to ensure, prior to submission, that their application reflects the most recent information and RFP requirements.


All questions and requests for additional information regarding this RFP must be submitted via email to Terrie Johnson, Contract Compliance Officer, at tj******@fi******.org.


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