POSTING DATE: September 25, 2019

CLOSING DATE: 5:00 p.m. PT on January 6, 2020

Update: September 26, 2019- Change in time for Networking Event for Community 1

Update: October 4, 2019- The following have been posted:

  • Informational Webinar recording and presentation slides
  • Questions and Answers

Update: October 8, 2019-

  • Please note that unfortunately the HMG-LA Pathways RFP Networking Events for Communities 2 and 3 have been cancelled. If your schedule permits, we encourage you to attend another Networking Event in another community. Please see the Networking Event section for a schedule of the rest of the Networking Events.
  • An addendum will be forthcoming to reflect these changes.

Update: October 9, 2019-

  • Addendum No. 1 posted on October 9, 2019- HMG-LA Pathways RFP and Appendix G have been updated.
  • Please note the change in date for Networking Event for Community 6

Update: October 28, 2019- The following has been posted:

  • HMG-LA Pathways RFP: Interested Organizations and Individuals excel sheet.
  • Please note if you cannot make it to
    any of the Networking Events, but would still like to be included in List of
    Interested Organizations, please fill out the RSVP form
    here. The form helps the project team gather
    information on parties interested in participating in the RFP process and want
    to be included in the List of Interested Organization.

Update: November 1, 2019- The following has been posted:

  • Questions and Answers

Update: November 14, 2019-

  • HMG-LA Pathways RFP: Interested Organizations and Individuals excel sheet.

Update: December 18, 2019- The following has been posted:

  • Questions and Answers


Proposers for the HMG-LA Pathways Unifying Agency position must meet the following minimum requirements:

  1. Must provide at least one of these services along the EII continuum: developmental or behavioral delay identification (i.e., surveillance and screening); assessment; referral to developmental or behavioral intervention services; care coordination/case management; and/or prevention or intervention services for children with or at risk of delays.
  2. Minimum of five (5) years of operation as a legal entity.
  3. Minimum of five (5) years successfully managing contracts (e.g., administration of contracts awarded to agency).
  4. Three (3) years of experience managing subcontracts (e.g., overseeing the work that the agency has
    contracted with another agency or individual to perform).


This solicitation seeks proposals from organizations interested in serving as a primary Unifying Agency that will form and be an equal partner in a collaborative of agencies and systems that provide early identification and intervention services and supports within a given geographic region (see map in Appendix A). Up to seven (7) organizations will be selected to provide support for regional level functions to test innovative approaches to strengthen referral pathways across the EII continuum that will establish a foundation for countywide systems change.

Organizations can apply to serve as a Unifying Agency for more than one HMG-LA Pathways community but are required to submit a separate application for each community. It is expected that the Unifying Agency will develop a collaborative that includes both Collaborative Agencies (subcontractors that support implementation and learning) and Supporting Partners (community stakeholders who provide input such as child and family serving agencies, community-based and faith-based organizations and parent representatives) that will work together to fulfill the functions discussed below. It is the expectation that proposals will include the proposed subcontractors that will collectively serve as the Collaborative Agencies for each HMG-LA Pathways community.

Cover LetterPDF
HMG-LA Pathways RFPPDF- UPDATED on October 9, 2019 per Addendum No. 1

Addendum No. 1 HMG-LA Pathways RFP and Appendix G have been updated.

For Information Purposes

For Submission


Please find the recording and the presentation for the Information Webinar that occurred on October 3, 2019 below to learn more about the RFP requirements:

Informational Webinar Presentation Dec



An integral component of the Help Me Grow – Los Angeles Pathways communities is that partners work collaboratively to achieve their goals. To facilitate this, First 5 LA will be hosting networking events across the county to provide interested parties with an opportunity to meet other interested parties to encourage networking and collaboration. Below please find the date and location of the networking events by community region (see Appendix AMap of HMG-LA Pathways Communities):

Please note that unfortunately the HMG-LA Pathways RFP Networking Events for Communities 2 and 3 have been cancelled. If your schedule permits, we encourage you to attend another Networking Event in another community.

Community 1:
October 10, 2019 – 9:00-10:30 10:00-11:30 a.m.
Pacoima City Hall
13520 Van Nuys Blvd., Suite 209, Pacoima 91331

Community 2: [CANCELLED- Please attend event at another community]
October 24, 2019 – 9:00-10:30 a.m.
San Gabriel Valley Service Center
1441 Santa Anita Ave., South El Monte 91733

Community 3:[CANCELLED-Please attend event at another community]
November 8, 2019 – 9:00-10:30am
First 5 LA
750 N Alameda St., Los Angeles 90012

Community 4:
November 1, 2019 – 10:30am-noon

Westchester – Loyola Village Branch Library
7114 W Manchester Ave., Los Angeles 90045

Community 5:
October 29, 2019 – 9:00-10:30am

Campus Student Ctr/F5 Building, East Los Angeles City College
1301 Ave. Cesar Chavez, Monterey Park 91754

Community 6:
October 22, 2019 October 21, 2019– 10:30am-noon
Junipero Serra Library
4607 S Main St., Los Angeles 90037

Community 7:
October 9, 2019 –
Saints Peter and Paul Church
515 W Opp St., Wilmington 90744

To RSVP for networking events, please click here. Potential proposers are encouraged to attend one or more of the Networking Events and bring any interested partners. Shortly after the networking events, First 5 LA will post the list of interested organizations and individuals for the purpose of further fostering collaboration and connecting potential proposers and partners. Dates and locations are subject to change, so please refer to First 5 LA’s website, which may be accessed by clicking here for changes.


Below please find a list of interested organizations and individuals for the purpose of further fostering collaboration and connecting potential proposers and partners:


An application packet complete with required documents must be received by First 5 LA no later than 5:00 p.m. PT on January 6, 2020. Please review the RFP’s Timeline for Selection Process to ensure availability during the review activities.

To ensure that all potential applicants receive the same information, questions and answers will be compiled and posted on this webpage. All questions and requests for additional information regarding this RFQ must be received before 5 p.m. PT on December 13, 2019 and answers will be posted on the website on: October 4, 2019; November 1, 2019; December 18, 2019. First 5 LA reserves the sole right to determine the timing and content of the responses to all questions and requests for additional information. First 5 LA may respond to individual inquires and then post replies to all questions by the posting date.

To respond to this RFP, please submit your proposal and all required documents through the online application system designated by First 5 LA by no later than 5:00 p.m. PT on January 6, 2020.

Step 1: Create a user account by clicking here.

Step 2: Once a user account has been created, please select the link corresponding to the Community to which you are applying for:

COMMUNITY 1: Please access the application for Community 1 here

COMMUNITY 2: Please access the application for Community 2 here

COMMUNITY 3: Please access the application for Community 3 here

COMMUNITY 4: Please access the application for Community 4 here

COMMUNITY 5: Please access the application for Community 5 here

COMMUNITY 6: Please access the application for Community 6 here

COMMUNITY 7: Please access the application for Community 7 here

Step 3: Once an application has been started, click here to modify and/or submit your application. Please do not create a new application once you have started your application.

For help with the online application click here.

Applicants must submit all required documents specified in the RFP through this online form. It is highly recommended that you print a copy of your application for your records prior to clicking “Submit.” To do this, click “Printer-Friendly Version.” You should review the printed copy prior to submitting the application electronically. In addition, you should ensure that the attachments were successfully uploaded by reviewing the list of attachments included.

NOTE: Once the online application is submitted, proposers cannot make edits.


Please check this Funding Center webpage regularly for updates and addenda. First 5 LA has the right to amend this solicitation by written addendum. First 5 LA is responsible only for that which is expressly stated in the solicitation document and any authorized written addenda thereto. Such addenda shall be made available via the online funding center. Failure to address the requirements of such addendum may result in the proposal not being considered, at the sole discretion of First 5 LA. Addenda to this solicitation, if any, will be posted on this webpage. It is the responsibility of applicants to ensure, prior to submission, that their application reflects the most recent information and RFP requirements.


All questions and requests for additional information regarding this RFP must be submitted via email to Daisy Ortiz, Contract Compliance Officer, at do****@fi******.org.

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