POSTING DATE: May 22, 2023

DUE DATE: June 9, 2022 AT 5:00 PM PACIFIC TIME (PT)


June 1, 2023 – the following has been posted under the Questions and Answers section:

  • QSLA Facilitator RFQ Q & A-PDF
  • Updated QSLA Facilitator RFQ Q & A -PDF (the only distinction is the word update and posted June 1, 2023)


First 5 LA is seeking proposals from qualified contractors (with or without subcontractors) to serve as the facilitator and consultant for Quality Start Los Angeles (QSLA) who will support in the achievement of the following goals:

  1. Support and improve alignment and integration of QSLA with existing LA County early care and education (ECE) quality support programs and systems
  2. Facilitate a human-centered design approach to creating a more sustainable and equitable system of supports that meet the needs of all QSLA providers
  3. Strengthen QSLA partner dynamics, including their capacity to work together effectively and improve collective problem-solving approaches

QSLA RFQ Cover Letter– PDF

QSLA Facilitator Solicitation RFQ – PDF


For Informative Purposes: 


For Submission: 


Please check the Funding Center webpage regularly for updates and addenda. First 5 LA has the right to amend this solicitation by written addendum. First 5 LA is responsible only for that which is expressly stated in the solicitation document and any authorized written addenda thereto. Such addenda shall be made available via the online funding center. Failure to address the requirements of such an an addendum may result in the proposal not being considered, at the sole discretion of First 5 LA. Addenda to this solicitation, if any, will be posted on this webpage. It is the responsibility of proposers to ensure, prior to submission, that their proposal reflects the most recent information and RFQ requirements.


To ensure that all potential proposers receive the same information, all questions and answers received are compiled and posted on this webpage. All questions and requests for additional information regarding this RFQ must be submitted to Hannah Allen at ha****@fi******.org before 5:00 PM on May 30, 2023.

First 5 LA reserves the sole right to determine the timing and content of the responses to all questions and requests for additional information. First 5 LA may respond to individual inquiries and then post replies to all questions by the posting date.

QSLA Facilitator RFQ Q & A-PDF

Updated QSLA Facilitator RFQ Q & A -PDF


An online application packet complete with required documents must be received by First 5 LA no later than 5:00 PM on June 9, 2023. Please review the RFQ’s Timeline for Selection Process to ensure availability during the proposal review activities.


To respond to this RFP, please submit your proposal and all required documents through the online application system designated by First 5 LA by no later than 5:00 PM on June 9, 2023:

Step 1: Create a user account by clicking here.

Step 2: Once a user account has been created, click here to access the application.

Step 3: Once an application has been started, click here to modify and/or submit your application. Please do not create a new application once you have started your application.

For help with the online application, click here.

Proposers must submit all required documents specified in the RFQ through this online form. It is highly recommended that you print a copy of your application for your records prior to clicking “Submit.” To do this, click “Printer-Friendly Version.” You should review the printed copy prior to submitting the application electronically. In addition, you should ensure that the attachments were successfully uploaded by reviewing the list of attachments included.

NOTE: Once the online application has been submitted, proposers cannot make edits.


All questions and requests for additional information regarding this RFQ must be submitted via email to Hannah Allen, at ha****@fi****.org .

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