Best Start is First 5 LA’s primary investment for engaging communities in a common vision and intention for children and families to thrive, working to strengthen community leadership and collaboration across sectors. Best Start is a promise that every child in Los Angeles County enters kindergarten ready to succeed in school and life.
Progress toward this North Star, however, requires more than publicly funded, professionally delivered services. An overwhelming body of evidence supports the idea that children thrive and families flourish in strong, safe, healthy, and engaged communities where people develop strong and lasting relationships, support each other, and act together to give children the best start possible.
Through Best Start, First 5 LA invests in 14 geographic areas that have faced historic disenfranchisement and oppression through political, economic, social and environmental factors that aggravate chronic family stressors such as violence and poverty. In spite of these realities, these are sites of great strength and resiliency. For decades, champions and community leaders, along with parents of young children, have been working to create better futures for their children.
Today, First 5 LA and communities are reimagining what is possible through Best Start. Inspired by the importance and strength of community connections, Best Start is evolving into a networks of parents, communities, local and regional decision-makers, and public systems – working together at a local and regional level – to affect important policy, systems and community change that improves outcomes for children and families.

First 5 LA’s commitment is to strengthen the collective will within communities, organizations and systems to promote the safety, healthy development, and well-being for children prenatal to age five and their families across the 14 Best Start communities. Since 2010, First 5 LA has supported 14 community partnerships – collectives of community leaders, parents and residents, and others – who have worked together to support each other and implement activities that support their vision for children and families.
In 2017, First 5 LA began its exploration of how to deepen connections and trust between communities and the systems that affect them. In the spring of 2018, First 5 LA partnered with community members to select five organizations to facilitate the evolution and expansion of the 14 community partnerships into strong local and regional networks of parents, residents, community-based organizations, advocacy groups, health, education and family support systems, and other stakeholders – all engaged in this effort to create strong community visions for the future. These local and regional networks are activated through collaborative and shared actions that build and center the leadership of parents and residents. First 5 LA is investing in these networks to enable a longer-term vision of robust, dynamic community ecosystems, that are accountable to, and acting for the interest of children, families and communities.

Regional Network Grantee: Para Los Niños
Learn more about Region 1 Local Network Partner Organizations

Regional Network Grantee: El Nido
Learn more about Region 3 Local Network Partner Organizations

Regional Network Grantee: Children’s Bureau of Southern California
Learn more about Region 5 Local Network Partner Organizations

Regional Network Grantee: Community Health Councils
Learn more about Region 2 Local Network Partner Organizations

Regional Network Grantee: Long Beach Nonprofit Partnership (d.b.a. The Nonprofit Partnership)
Learn more about Region 4 Local Network Partner Organizations
To learn more, please email us or call us at 213-482-6028.
If you’re interested in partnering with Best Start parents on community engagement opportunities, please visit: https://www.first5la.org/community-engagement-opportunity/
VISTA Program is a Great Success in Communities it Serves
As a Best Start “Volunteer In Service To America” (VISTA) Program member, Jonathan Diaz takes pride in his work within the East Los Angeles community, helping community members come together to ensure the well-being of their children.Diaz and two additional VISTA...
Best Start – Stories of What We Do
March 5, 2015 “After nourishment, shelter and...
What Best Start Means to Me
When First 5 LA launched its Best Start pilot effort in 2008, the goal was to encourage parents, community-based organizations, local businesses and other community leaders to work together to transform neighborhoods into places where young children can grow up safe,...
Where Best Start Works
Low birth weight. Low-performing schools. Poverty.When Best Start expanded beyond Metro LA in 2009, these were among the risk factors for young children, along with geographic, racial and ethnic diversity, used to determine which additional communities would become a...
Best Start: How We Work
From engaging in “Learning by Doing” to organizing local resource fairs, and hosting health insurance forums to improving communication of community issues, see some of the ways Best Start works to improve the lives of young children and their families by viewing the...
Best Start Communities Learning By Doing Implementation Moves Forward
In a milestone step forward for Best Start Communities, First 5 LA's Commission recently allocated $413,033 for the City of Long Beach to work in collaboration with the Best Start Central Long Beach Community Partnership to implement strategies and activities...
Best Start Representatives Join Community Leaders at Empowerment Congress
Best Start program officers and partnership members recently joined civic leaders, educators and community members at the 23rd Annual Empowerment Congress Summit, where topics included decision-making, constituent involvement and the importance of early...
“Baby University” Provides Invaluable Tips for Best Start Northeast Valley Parents
EN ESPAÑOL »Thanks to a strong and productive partnership between First 5 LA’s Best Start Northeast Valley Community and Pacoima Charter Elementary School, the school has developed a program, focusing on parents of children ages 0-5 in the San Fernando Valley, to help...
Best Start “Ready for Kinder” Workbook Transcends Borders
Sometimes a small, local project can make a big difference, even across borders.As a stay-at-home mother of two young girls and an active leader in the Best Start Panorama City & Neighbors Partnership, 34-year-old Alma Rodriguez knows the importance of early childhood...
A Day of Thanks in December
EN ESPAÑOl »On a sunny, bright Saturday afternoon in December, leaders from the 14 Best Start communities were honored at La Plaza de Cultura y Artes in Downtown Los Angeles. Salsa music played in the background while over 300 members of the various Best Start...