Early Identification and Intervention Issue Briefs
Click here to read Issue Brief 1. Click here to read Issue Brief 2. On May 29, 2019 First 5 LA Health Systems Department released two early identification and intervention issue briefs and corresponding infographics. The briefs explore why too many children ages 0-5...
RESOURCE: Universal Approaches to Promoting Healthy Development
On May 29, 2019 Princeton University and the Brookings Institution released the latest volume of “The Future of Children” — a journal that promotes effective, evidence-based policies and programs for children, along with a policy brief titled "Achieving Broad-Scale...
Treasured Moments in Advocacy: Highlights from Advocacy Day 2019
“Sacramento, as big and...
What We’re Doing: May 2019
Pictured L–R: [Top] Government Affairs Strategist Anais Duran; Director of Strategic Partnerships Jennifer Pippard; Vice President of Policy and Strategy Kim Pattillo Brownson; Chief of Staff to Gov. Gavin Newsom, Ann O’Leary; L.A. Area Chamber of Commerce Senior...
#First5Live: Making Family-Friendly Spaces with Sincerely Mama’s Kelly McKnight
How can you make a difference in your community? Kelly McKnight of Sincerely Mama joined First 5 LA Communications Director Gabriel Sanchez on May 11 for a Q&A on Facebook Live where they discussed the importance of family-friendly spaces and the role community...
Commission Meeting Summary for May 9, 2019
Commission Calendarhere
California’s New Surgeon General: It’s working in South LA, will it work for kids statewide?
California’s first Surgeon General, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, has long regarded healing childhood trauma as a key to improving public health. On April 30 she visited South Los Angeles to see firsthand how a center in Watts is accomplishing that, as well as gather input...
Kim Pattillo Brownson Appointed to State Education Board
First 5 LA Vice President of Policy and Strategy Kim Pattillo Brownson has been appointed by Gov. Gavin Newsom to serve as a member of the State Board of Education.The 11-member State Board of Education is California’s K–12 policy-making body. It plays a key role in...
Making the News: The Life-or-Death Crisis Facing Black Mothers and Babies
The birth of a child is a wondrous occasion celebrated by all cultures and traditions. It also can be a stressful time, because of health complications during pregnancy and birth. And, for some, there is a disproportionate risk of death at the start of life for a...
Commission Meeting Summary for April 11th, 2019
Highlights from the April 11 Commission Meeting include: the endorsement of local Measure EE, the approval of two key strategic partnerships and a presentation of the Landscape Review of the Strategic Plan Refinement Process, with breakout sessions dedicated to...