First 5 LA Helps Cities Take the Lead in ECE
In the first convening of its kind, First...
First 5 LA Celebrates Community Leaders
November 28, 2018 Giving back. Giving...
Champion for Children: Assemblywoman Wendy Carrillo — From Child Immigrant to Advocate for Children and Families
November 28, 2018 Every Sunday,...
Making the News: Series Examines 20 Years of First 5 Accomplishments
For First 5s across California, the 20th Anniversary of the passage of Proposition 10 has served as an opportunity for celebration and reflection. Linda Jacobson, a senior reporter at Education Dive, used the anniversary as an opportunity to go in-depth on what First...
Commission Meeting Summary for November 8, 2018
Highlights from the November 8 Commission meeting include: approval of the Strategic Plan refinement process; approval of Results for Children and Families and Monitoring Measures for First 5 LA’s Impact Framework; and extension of the Little by Little promoting early...
Where Are They Now? Success Stories from First 5 LA’s First 20 Years
(Editor’s Note: During this 20th...
What We’re Doing: November 2018
First 5s in D.C.: More than 20 First 5 representatives went to Washington, D.C. in November to educate partners and representatives about the important role of First 5 in system building, advocate for federal protections for vulnerable populations, and celebrate our...
Best Start Helps to Enhance El Monte Park
Yadira Lue used to feel hopeless...
Rx for a Healthy Start
October 28, 2018 Three tales of how First 5 LA...
An Advocacy Odyssey: Los Angeles to Sacramento
September 26, 2018 For First 5 LA, the...