Champion for Children Kris Perry: Challenging Inequality Is Personal
When it comes to speaking up for...
Census 2020: An Angel Earns Her Wings in the City of Angels
As an immigrant from Oaxaca,...
Helping Child Care Centers Navigate Lead in Water Tests
Edith Sanchez was concerned. Officials...
Early Childhood Matters Newsletter – July 2020
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Commission Meeting Summary for July 9, 2020
“At this time we’re facing a two-pronged challenge which is: we seem to have to be a little more militant again trying to ‘flatten the curve’ regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, and yet at the same time, we can’t wait for that outcome to do the work that we’re assigned...
Making the News: Pandemic Pods, Mask On/Mask Off, and More on The School Reopening Debate Contd.
Teachers and States The Washington Post: Polls: 20 percent of teachers not likely to return to classrooms if schools reopen this fall Twenty percent of U.S. teachers say they are not likely to return to their classrooms this fall if schools reopen — and most parents...