A Mother of Three Explains Why Televisits With Her Home Visitor Are Crucial in the Age of COVID-19
Jacqueline Cortez-Paz is a...
How First 5 LA Ensured Home Visits Continue Virtually, Yet Tangibly
How do you sum up the work of the...
First 5 LA Helps Get Food on the Road to L.A. County Families
Published June 29, 2020 There’s no question that...
Final CA Budget Must Prioritize Child Care, Programs That Support Families
ALAMEDA, CA (June 15, 2020) - Child care and other programs that support families must be prioritized in the final 2020-21 state budget, which now awaits Governor Newsom's action, said First 5 Association, First 5 California, and...
The Consequences of Persistent and Systemic Inequities
June 2, 2020 Inequities have consequences. The deaths of...
First 5 LA’s Resources for Talking to Kids about Race and Racial Inequity
June 2020 Silence about race reinforces racism. Talking about race and racism with children is an important way to begin to address systemic societal issues. Here are resources on having conversations with children about race and issues surrounding it: Aha! Parenting...