Commission Meeting Summary for November 14, 2019
Highlights from the November 14 Commission meeting include the approval of the 2020-2028 Strategic Plan and presentations on First 5 LA’s year-in-review. The Board of Commissioners meets on the second Thursday of each month at 1:30 p.m., unless otherwise indicated, at...
Reviewing 2019, Preparing for 2020
Every year California’s state policy leaders make decisions impacting young children and their families in Los Angeles County, from allocating funds in the state budget to changing laws to establishing the rules and regulations that guide local program implementation....
What We’re Doing: November 2019
Pictured L-R: Senior Government Affairs Strategist Jamie Zamora; Strategic Partnerships Manager Alba Bautista; Community Relations Manager Fabiola Montiel; Policy Analyst Taylor Ferguson; Commissioner Yvette Martinez; Strategic Partnerships Manager Sharon Murphy; Vice...
Making the News: California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris and a Revolutionary Approach to Public Health
In the late 1990s, U.S. health maintenance organization Kaiser Permanente conducted a 17,000-person study linking adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) with poor health outcomes later in life. The study, known as the ACE Study, looked at ten specific types of adverse...
Making the News: Trump’s Public Charge and the “Chilling Effect” on Families
October 20, 2019 After leaked language and several...
A Child — and a Law — Worth Fighting For
“If a thing is worth doing, it is...