Our Goals
Research shows that young children are able to meet their full developmental potential when they have the opportunities and supports needed for optimal physical, cognitive, social and emotional development. This is why our goals focus on ensuring children’s needs are met across a continuum of basic (physiological and safety), psychological (esteem and love and belonging) and self-fulfillment (self-actualization) needs.
Our collaborative work seeks to move us toward a future where every child prenatal to age 5 in Los Angeles County realizes their full developmental potential.
Goal 1:
Children prenatal to age 5 and their families have their basic needs met.
Reducing Infant Mortality, Poverty, and Housing Insecurity
Goal 2:
Children prenatal to age 5 have nurturing relationships and environments.
Increasing Supports for Maternal Depression, Choices for Healthy Foods, and Parks & Open Space
Goal 3:
Children prenatal to age 5 have a solid foundation for well-being, lifelong learning and success.
Increasing Access to Early Care & Education, Early Intervention Services, and Culturally Affirming Services

Our Approach
To accomplish these goals, our work advances three core strategies:
Catalyze public policy efforts at the local, state and federal levels that prioritize the needs of children prenatal to age 5 and their families.
Collaborate with partners to strengthen public systems, services and supports for children prenatal to age 5 and their families.
Partner with communities to collaboratively grow a social movement that elevates the needs of children prenatal to age 5 and their families.
Because effective change requires a multifaceted approach, these strategies are designed to be interdependent. While legislative and policy improvements are crucial, we also focus on enhancing public systems and actively addressing barriers rooted in inequities and bias. Additionally, collaboration and partnership with communities — encompassing parents, caregivers, and institutional leaders countywide — are foundational to our success.

Our Partnerships
To meet the goals outlined in our 2024-29 Strategic Plan, First 5 LA is currently working in partnership on the following initiatives.
African American Infant and Maternal Mortality (AAIMM)
Early Care and Education Investments in Quality
Early Childhood Policy and Advocacy Fund (EC PAF)
First 5 LA’s grantmaking practice that provides funding for community-based organizations that are leading systems-change efforts to advance justice and belonging in early childhood systems.