¡First 5 LA quiere escuchar de los padres y madres con menores de entre 0 y 5 años de edad en el condado de Los Ángeles!


Querido(a) padre/madre de familia:

Gracias por participar y responder ha nuestro pequeño cuestionario. Nuestra meta es amplificar las voces de los padres y las madres de familia dentro de nuestras comunidades de Los Ángeles.

Por favor, haga clic en el botón “Open Video Recorder” (abrir grabador de video) y luego el botón “Start Recording” (comenzar a grabar) para enviar una respuesta en video a la siguiente pregunta:


Como la persona que ve por el bienestar de su hijo o hija, ¿cómo se mantiene al día e involucrado(a) en asuntos relacionados con la infancia (por ejemplo, salud, desarrollo infantil, educación, cuidados infantiles, salud mental, apoyo familiar, etc.)?

Si se siente más cómodo(a) enviando su respuesta por escrito, por favor responda a la pregunta abajo. 


Supporting Your Child’s Gender/Sexual Identity

Supporting Your Child’s Gender/Sexual Identity

Supporting Your Child’s Gender/Sexual Identity While physical characteristics determine a child’s sex, gender and sexual identity refers to a deep, inner sense of self. For most children, gender identity matches their sex. Others, however, may identify as male,...

Talking with Children about Race and Racism

Talking with Children about Race and Racism

Talking with Children about Race and Racism Parents tell us they want children to celebrate their culture and identity while being colorblind and free of bias. It’s an age-old challenge moms, dads and caregivers face that has taken on a new urgency in wake of protests...

Watch and Learn about Stereotyping

Watch and Learn about Stereotyping

Watch and Learn about Stereotyping Television, movies and video games all make a big impression on children. Informing both the way they see the world and themselves, the media kids consume can affect their views on race, gender, and religion. As a parent, it is...

Immigration Resources

Immigration Resources

Immigration Resources Parents’ fear of detention and deportation has been heightened by recent actions by the federal government and has become a priority issue affecting young children and their families throughout Los Angeles County. All families, including...
