Arturo Valdez is proud to serve as Chief Academic Officer for the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE). Mr. Valdez is bilingual and has been in education for over 32 years. He has served as a teacher, coordinator, assistant principal, principal and director in Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). He has been an administrator at Virgil Middle School, Belmont High School, Burbank Middle School and Franklin High School. Mr. Valdez has had experience at the elementary, middle, high school, and adult school level, as well as extensive experiences at the central District office level. Mr. Valdez’s last assignment was as a Secondary Instructional Director supervising 16 principals at the middle and high school level. In every position that he has held, he has focused on data driven instructional decisions in order to create a student-centered focus environment. Mr. Valdez believes that school success requires that we create diverse learning communities where parents are partners, practitioners are reflective and children are the center of all that we do. Mr. Valdez is intent on developing a plan that focuses on three specific areas: (1) Unwavering Focus on Academic Achievement (2) School Culture, Climate, and Infrastructure and (3) Leadership that Supports High Achievement for Students/Staff. Mr. Valdez’s responsibilities at LACOE includes the oversight of various departments, including Curriculum and Instruction, Accountability, Special Education, Head Start, Student Support Services, Special Education and Greater Avenues for Independence (GAIN).